U.S. National Science Foundation CoDec Expedition in Computing

We envision a future world that will generate energy from a mix of mostly clean, but volatile, energy sources. This transition is poised to alter the foundation of modern society by transforming energy from a resource that is largely centralized, but highly stable, to one that is largely distributed, cheap, and clean, but highly intermittent and variable.

In this future world, clean energy will be plentiful at times, but precious at others, making coordination and orchestration of energy’s supply and demand critical for maintaining quality of life, sustaining the global economy, and ensuring energy availability during times of scarcity.

Importantly, all of society will need to make a fundamental shift to adapt to this future by exploiting multiple dimensions of energy-flexibility — the degree to which a system can modulate its energy usage across time, space, and uses — to consume clean energy when and where it is available.

NSF CoDec will foster and develop this nascent field, which focuses on optimizing resilience and efficiency of computing and societal infrastructure using computational and data-driven techniques.